Lex: I promise I'm not a criminal mastermind.
Clark: I know; a criminal mastermind would have worn a mask.

I'd question your integrity, but you're a journalist.

Lex: If you walk out that door, I will make you disappear.
Reporter: What're you gunna do? You gunna have me killed?
Lex: (laughs) No. You'll be very much alive. But there'll be no evidence of your existence.
Reporter: What are you talking about?
Lex: Driver's license, passports, social security number, bank account, will all be erased. With one call, I can be sure that there will be no record that you actually walk this earth.
Reporter: You're bluffing.
Lex: Call your bank, see if your account still exists. That is, if your cell phone hasn't already been disconnected.

You came into my life, thinking you could shake me down 'cause I'm just some spoiled rich brat who needed his daddy's protection. Trust me - when I make things disappear, they stay buried.

A high school boyfriend isn't a husband; he's an obstacle.

I believe we make our own destiny.

You see, I don't want to do good things, I want to do great things.

I once read about a rich man who survived a hotel fire. He hung onto the ledge for an hour before the fire department rescued him. Afterwards he bought the hotel...always stayed in the room. When they asked him why, he said he figured Fate couldn't find him twice.

Lex: I come bearing gifts.
Cassandra: So did the Greeks.

Cassandra: Do those expensive shoes come with a name?
Lex: Lex Luthor.
Cassandra: Huh. Of Luthor... Everything Incorporated?
Lex: More or less.

Lex: Life's a journey, Clark; I don't wanna go through it following a roadmap.
Clark: It still wouldn't kill you to drive more slowly.

Clark: Hey, this is a great place.
Lex: Yeah, if you're dead and in the market for something to haunt.
Clark: Well, I meant it's roomy.
Lex: It's the Luthor ancestral home, or so my father claims. He had it shipped over from Scotland stone by stone.
Clark: Yeah, I remember. The trucks rolled through town for weeks but no one ever moved in.
Lex: My father had no intention of living here. He's never even stepped through the front door.
Clark: Then why'd he ship it over?
Lex: Because he could.

Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."