Lorelai: But this goes against every rule I have in the Gilmore Survival Guide. Number one: No running with scissors. Number two: No page-boy haircuts. Number three: Never, ever have lunch alone with the mother.

Lorelai: So I think I'm in touch with the other side.
Rory: The other side of...
Lorelai: The other side.
Rory: With Republicans?

Luke: Hey, wait now. You're talking crazy talk trying to confuse me now, aren't you?
Lorelai: Aren't you!
Luke: What?
Lorelai: Who?
Luke: Stop it!
Lorelai: Bye!

(about the teenagers in the class that she was trying to give a speech to) They were coming at me like I was Poland and they were Nazis!

(to Rory) Hey, maybe instead of going to college, you should drop out and I could quit my job and we could form an all girl band with Lane. You know like Banana-Rama. We could call it... Tangerine-A-Rama or Banana-Fana-Fofana-...Rama or something.

Lorelai: (about Rory getting into Harvard) Mom, everything's gonna be fine. Rory's special.
Emily: Well, I know that and you know that, but those idiots at Harvard might not necessarily know that!

Emily: So, she's meeting you here?
Lorelai: Yeah, she had a thing after school, a rumble or something. She said she'd be over after.
Emily: A rumble?
Lorelai: Yeah, a bunch of kids meet in an alley, they pirouette, they pull knives, it's a whole to-do.

Lorelai: We need perspective.
Rory: We need therapy.
Lorelai: And booze! (pause) For those of us over 21, of course.

This is an uncontaminated area. I even cleaned the table with something other than the sleeve of my sweater and spit!

Rory: Can you keep a secret?
Lorelai: Not so far, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

If you decided you really did want to date Jess, I would help you -- (Rory gives her a look) -- get vaccinated.

Lorelai: Rory, what are you doing?
Rory: What do you mean what am I doing? I'm ranting! You should recognize it, I learned it from you.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
