Margene: I've noticed things have changed. You don't look at me when we are having sex.
Bill: That's not true.
Margene: Yes it is. You're not even looking at me now.

We can't lose Home Plus. Home Plus is us.

It breaks my heart that he wasn't here to see this day.

I feel awful, I wish I could die. I don't know what to do.

Why are you snapping at me? Nikki's the one who beat up a kid.

Margie: Bennie, do you remember a few years ago a vote about me?
Ben: Which one?
Margie: The one about me joining the family.
Ben: Which one?

Nicki [about Barb]: Do you think she's happy for me? About the baby?
Margie: Of course. She loves babies. Sometimes I think she wishes my boys were hers.
Nicki: Sometimes I think they wish the same thing

Barb [seeing Nicki come home with shopping bags]: How's the "family emergency" going?
Margie: Yeah, somebody die at The Gap?

Margene: Nicki, can I tell you a secret?
Nicki: If you must

Barb [about Nicki]: Has she said anything to you about what she's wearing?
Margene: Nuh-uh.
Barb: Just try to get her to wear something a little more... I mean, she sticks out like a sore thumb.
Margene: Oh...
Barb: I don't want to hurt her feelings, but it's like walking into the Governor's mansion with a sign that says "Practicing Polygamist". She'll never listen to it coming from me, she'll think I'm attacking her. I mean, even just offer to do her hair

You cant run, we will be all exposed.

Margene: Your father said we cannot call a plumber.
Ben: I know.
Margene: Do you think he's a cheapskate?
Ben: Umm, I believe the word is thrifty

Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.