Deeks: ... if you hear my yell "noodles," that means I'm in trouble.
Callen: If I hear you yell "noodles" I'll shoot you myself.

Really? A machete?

Never judge a man until you walk a mile in his pumps.

You smell like Sunshine and gun powder. Two of my favorite things.

I was attacked by a hell hound.

Deeks: I was just gonna see if you were good.
Kensi: Yeah. You?
Deeks: I'm good if you're good.
Kensi: I'm good.
Deeks: Okay. That's good. We're good. Which is, you know, great.
Kensi: I'm glad we cleared that up. See ya tomorrow.

I love happy endings.

Kens, I just want you know that the place that I went to in my head to stop the pain was you. I just kept thinking about your smile, and your laugh. Everything. It's the only thing that got me through. For whatever it's worth.

I'm good. You know what -- I'm better than good. I haven't wet the bed in over a week and the voices in my head are all but gone away. "Shut up" "No, you shut up."

Umm. You wouldn't happen to have the bomb squad on speed dial, would ya?

We've got a nuke in a haystack.

Danny: Can I help you with something?
Deeks: Just thinking about your hair. Is it bulletproof?