"My ex-boyfriend moved his wife to Seattle. Reason? To torture me."

MEREDITH: [narrating] "For extra credit, Mrs. Snyder used to make us act out all the parts. Sal Scafarillo was Romeo. As fate would have it, I was Juliet. Most of the girls were green with envy. I wasn't. I told Ms. Snyder that Juliet was an idiot. For one thing, she falls for the one guy she knows she can't have... Everyone thinks it's so romantic: Romeo and Juliet, true love... how sad. If Juliet was stupid enough to fall for the enemy, drink a bottle of poison, and go to sleep in a mausoleum, then she deserved everything she got."

RICHARD: "People! I know who did this, so you might as well come clean. I know!"
GEORGE: "With all due respect, sir, if you knew you wouldn't be asking us."
IZZIE: "I did it."
MEREDITH: "You have your suspicions, but you don't actually know."
CRISTINA: "Not for sure."
GEORGE: "And you can't do anything to any of us without proof, sir."

IZZIE: "I think it was a stroke. He was prone to blood clots. A clot could have formed on his sutures and traveled to his brain. It only takes a second."
MEREDITH: "Izzie-"
IZZIE: "Dr. Han did a beautiful job on the surgery. I don't know why I didn't think of blood clots. He died all alone. He was alone."
GEORGE: "There's nothing you could have done."
IZZIE: "I changed my dress three times. I wanted to look nice. I would have been here sooner. But I couldn't figure out which dress to wear."

DEREK: "What does this mean?"
MEREDITH: "Uh, I had panties on. Black ones. Do you see them?"
DEREK: "What does this mean?"
MEREDITH: "Fix your tie."
DEREK: "Meredith, what does this mean!?"

DEREK: "Meredith."
MEREDITH: "Leave me alone."
DEREK: "Meredith-"
MEREDITH: "Just leave me alone!"
DEREK: "I just want to make sure you're alright."
MEREDITH: "No! I'm not alright? Okay? Are you satisfied? I'm not alright. Because you have a wife, and you call me a whore, and our dog died, and now you're looking at me again. Stop looking at me."
DEREK: "I'm not looking at you. I am not looking at you."
MEREDITH: "You are looking at me. And you watch me. And Finn has plans. I like Finn. He's perfect for me, and I'm really trying here to be happy, and I feel like I can't breathe. I can't breathe with you looking at me like that, so just stop!"
DEREK: "You think I want to look at you? That I wouldn't rather be looking at my wife? I'm married. I have responsibilities. She doesn't drive me crazy. She doesn't make it impossible for me to feel normal. She doesn't make me sick to my stomach thinking about my veternarian touching her with his hands. Man, I would give anything to not be looking at you!"

FINN: "Liz... Liz was my wife. When she died... you do this thing where you stop making plans. Because you had plans but then there was a car crash and your plans disappeared so you just... I just try to get from sunup to sundown. That’s as far into the future as I can handle. I've been fine with that, I have, but right now, looking at you... damn, I have all kinds of plans. Don't freak out."
MEREDITH: "I'm not."
FINN: "You're not?"
MEREDITH: "No. You have plans."
FINN: "I have plans."

FINN: "You're a lot hotter than my last prom date."
MEREDITH: "Is that a compliment?"
FINN: "Maybe."
MEREDITH: "It feels like a compliment."
FINN: "Then it is."

RICHARD: "I've known you for a long time. I know your mother and father. And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you did not cut those LVAT wires. Meredith, I need you to tell me who did it."
MEREDITH: "I've been going over this and over this in my mind trying to piece this together. It was you. You're the reason my parents broke up. And it wasn't just an affair, she really loved you. It wasn't just this cheap thing where she didn’t tell you she was married. It wasn't all a lie. She left her husband for you. But you stayed with your wife, because it was the right thing to do. Maybe safe, but she was the right person for you to be with. Let's face it, my mother? Nothing wrong with being safe, being with the good guy because he's good and we are talking about forever here. You've never regretted your decision. You've never looked back... right?"

[the cast, narrating]
MEREDITH: "Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive."
GEORGE: "Family"
IZZIE: "Sex"
DEREK: "But we only need one thing"
RICHARD: "To actually be alive."
CRISTINA: "We need a beating heart."
ADDISON: "When our heart is threatened"
ALEX: "We respond in one of two ways."
GEORGE: "We either run or-"
IZZIE: "We attack."
RICHARD: "There's a scientific term for this."
ALEX: "Fight..."
ADDISON: "...or flight."
MIRANDA: "It's instinct."
MEREDITH: "We can't control it."
IZZIE: "Or can we?"

MEREDITH: "It’s a long story, which essentially ends with me inviting you to a prom."
FINN: "An actual prom? Corsages and tuxedos?"
MEREDITH: "Yeah, it's stupid, I know."
FINN: "No, I'm in. I loved prom. I mean... I don't wanna brag or anything, but I was crowned king.
MEREDITH: "Really? You were that kid in high school?"
FINN: [smiles] "What's wrong with being that kid?"
MEREDITH: "Nothing, it's very cute actually."

CRISTINA: "I didn't like teenage girls when I was a teenage girl."
MEREDITH: "I wore a lot of black."
MEREDITH: "Had the whole angry pink hair thing going on. Wouldn't have been caught dead at a prom."
CRISTINA: "My mother made me go. My date barfed on my dress and then tried to feel me up."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
