For guys like us, the only regret is permanence.

Mozzie: I'm tresspssing! Exigent circumstances!
Peter: I love how you think that law is a loophole!

So how's it going with little miss repo?

Neal: Porn, really?
Mozzie: I panicked.

Our unholy union is the only thing keeping Neal from ending up in green point

Yes, definitely a PX227...or a Tony Award.

Mozzie [to Elizabeth]

Until we are cleared, I am keeping my distance from the bureau's favorite Brooks Brother.

Where's the key, Quantico?

Fresh air, the anecdote to sentimental dribble.

So I made a tremendous mistake?

Peter: So you're saying you care.
Mozzie: About Mrs. Suit....and....

It's just a story an 8 year old tells to avoid that fact that his parents didn't love him.