[to Dan] How have you never heard of Olivia Burke?! I thought you lived in Brooklyn, not a cave.

Katherine: Well Nathaniel, you have a choice. Either under the bed or out the window.
Nate: Your husband? I thought he wasn't going to home until next week!
Katherine: Seems he's home early.

[to Serena] If it makes you feel any better, you were a great fake girlfriend.

Nate: Maybe we should have just left him at The Palace.
Blair: It's his father's funeral. He needs to be here and pay his respects.
Chuck: [wasted] Respect. My father wasn't shown much of that in his final days.

Jenny: I'm a Humphrey, so syrup is a food group.
Nate: Yeah, how are you not like 500 pounds?

Serena: Dan puts me on a pedestal, if he knew the truth he will never look at me again.
Chuck: Your starting to scare even me. What did you do?
Nate: Cmon, you can tell us.
Blair: We've seen you with vomit in your hair, making out with investment bankers in the men's room at PJ Clark's. You don't have to hide anything from us.

Serena: So do you think Jenny'll be alright?
Nate: Yeah, Dan's a good guy, he'll take care of her.
Serena: You are too, you know, a good guy. A forgiving guy?
Who can't pit himself against Blair forever?
Nate: Goodnight.
Serena: I'm sorry! You gave me an opening I couldn't resist... I'm just saying.

Vanessa: I don't believe this. I kept telling myself you were different than Blair and all the others, but you're just as bad!
Nate: It's not that simple, okay?
Vanessa: Are you sleeping with that woman?
Nate: Yes.
Vanessa: Is that the reason you keep canceling on me?
Nate: Yes, but...
Vanessa: No, Nate, there are no buts. You lied to me and you're sleeping with some Mrs. Robinson. And while on the Upper East Side that might be totally normal, I didn't sign up for some love triangle with you and somebody's mom!

Nate: Give me the phone. You can't talk to him, you can't think about him until his plane leaves.
Serena: What are you gonna do, tie me to a chair?
Nate: I'm gonna take you on a pub crawl, and we're gonna get drunk. Like REALLY drunk!
Serena: Okay!

Nate: (re: Vanessa) I saw a DVD of The Ring Cycle at her house and I figured she might like some champagne in my family's box.
Dan: Yeah, that's good, that's good. Don't tell her you saw that DVD though, because I pointed it out once and she made me watch the whole thing with no subtitles. If you've ever seen Clockwork Orange, then you know how that ended up.
Nate: What's a clockwork orange?

Nate: Oh my God. This is NOT your next story for the New Yorker. I'm sending it out to an entirely different magazine.
Dan: Oh thanks. That really helps.

Juliet: Okay, it says here that you both slept with Serena and Vanessa, and that Vanessa also slept with Chuck, who slept with Blair.
Nate: All that's on Gossip Girl?
Juliet: Yeah. She made a flow chart actually, which I have to say is very helpful.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.