Serena: Because, I would rather Dan think I cheated on him than know what I really did.
Nate: What you really did?

Nate: Tripp? Really? Two months ago you were all over Carter Baizen. Tripp has sacrificed so much to get where he is. We all have. He can't just throw it away on you.
Serena: He's fighting it, and so am I. I can literally feel my heart thump when I see him. I haven't felt this way since I was 13 and saw Jude Law in Alfie.
Nate: Well you're not 13 anymore, Serena.

Nate: A threesome?!
Dan: Yup, just me, Olivia, Vanessa, two girls, four boobs and one Dan Humphrey. How awesome am I?
Nate: How stupid can you be?
Dan: What?
Nate: Look, I know things. I've been to Europe. Chuck Bass is my best friend. The third person is supposed to be a complete stranger!

We broke my dresser

Nate: Juliet and I have this nice little evening planned after the mixer. Got some nice champagne, new Matteo sheets ... and I'm hoping some recently purchased lingerie.
Dan: That's for her, right?

Serena: Are you trying to destroy Tripp's campaign?
Nate: No. That's gonna win Tripp the election.
Serena: What are you talking about.
Nate: Once the Buckleys leak it, we'll release the real photo. It'll look like the Buckley's faked the one. Then people will finally see them for the villains they really are.
Serena: And what happens to Carter? You just used one?
Nate: Come on, Serena. The guy proposed to P.J. sister to pay off his gambling debt. Wake up, the guy's hardly innocent. I am sorry I had to lie to you.
Serena: No you're not. But you will be.

Dan: See I told you. Food is more delicious when you cook it yourself.
Nate: Yup. That's why we're going to end this experiment in middle class living and then call the housekeeper to clean up.
Blair: No way! I stuck my hand up a turkey's butt. You're not getting out of your job.

Nate: I thought we were gonna do something. What happened to your master plan of finding the Skull & Bones?
Chuck: You don't find them. They find you.

Blair: [to Nate and Chuck] I need your help.
Nate: What's going on with her?

Last year, Georgina pretended to be this rich Canadian to get Poppy, but things got all messed up when she turned her back on Jesus.

[to Vanessa] When you called the other day, it was like... I could breathe again.

Dan: Who could have seen this coming?
Nate: Have you met Georgina?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.