Owen: Are you whoring yourself out for surgeries?
Cristina: Oh shut up. You forced me into it!

Meredith: It's me. Cristina! What's going on? Owen's out there upset. Callie was screaming. She said...
Cristina: I'm fine. I'm... I'm fine.
Meredith: OH MY GOD! Your neck. I will kill him! He's...
Cristina: No, no, no. It was a nightmare. He had a nightmare.
Owen: Cristina, please. Is she alright? Meredith, I just need to know that she's alright.
Meredith: No, no, no, no, no, no. Cristina, no!

Cristina: Izzie's surgery went well.
Owen: Ok, that's good. I wish this could work. That it could be, that we could be...
Cristina: Me too.
Owen: Can I, can I hold you?

Cristina: Ah he trained at Northwestern, and then at Harvard. He grew up like, 5 miles away from here. Um, not rich. Not poor. Comfortable. And, well loved by his parents. But um, itching to do something more with his life. Which is when he enlisted at the age of...
Owen: Cristina, this is not a book report.
Cristina: I'm trying to explain to Dr. Wyatt that I know things about you.

Callie (to Owen): Can you do it?
Mark: Him? No. He's a meatballer.
Callie: He is meticulous and he will keep his mouth shut.
Owen: I've done operations like this before. It's not that complicated.
Mark: Guys run into this problem on the battlefield, do they?
Owen: I don't think you and I should talk about how guys run into this.

Owen: Did you page me Dr. Bailey?
Miranda: Oh, yes, you finished with your part of the face transplant right?
Owen: Yup, but I cleared my schedule to watch Sloan and Dr. Yang do their surgery so whatever it is you need I hope it's not too time consuming
Miranda: That depends on how fast you can drive.... and talk.
Owen: I'm sorry?
Miranda: I need you to drive to the woods and talk Derek Shepherd into coming back here, and I believe you might also run into Callie Torres.
Owen: (stares blankly)
Miranda: ... with a flat tire, or a broken heal, or an axe wielding serial killer.
Owen: You serious?

Owen: Yeah, that's a penile fracture.
Mark: Oh, I'm going to kill myself.

Owen: Woah... you are evil. You are the devil!
Cristina: I am, I am the devil.
Owen: Cristina you know the rules.
Cristina: The rules are stupid.
Owen: Are you saying the shrink's stupid?
Cristina: I'm saying she's a prude. She's prudey and misguided.
Owen: She wants us to get to know each other. She wants me to keep getting to know myself. She does not want me burying myself in you. If we start to have sex, I'll bury myself in you.
Cristina: Oh, now whose evil?

Owen: You'd be good in the field. You've got this battle scar, you'd fit right in.
Cristina: Yeah, right ...
Owen: I'm serious. You should ditch this place. Go for the adventure. You telling me this place gives you a rush? A high?
Cristina: [pauses] Yeah ...

Bailey: What did you do to O'Malley?
Owen: Excuse me?
Bailey: Ah, somebody else around here likely to convince someone to join the army, and be a trauma surgeon in Iraq?
Callie: What?
Meredith: The army?
Callie: What?
Meredith: De fib
Owen: Charge the paddles to 360
Bailey: Owen, you have to call and undo this.
Owen: Bailey, little busy here.
Meredith: Clear
Callie: George... George O'Malley!
Owen: It wasn't my idea
Meredith: No change
Owen: Charge again.
Meredith: Clear
Owen: Look, I did what I could to give him a decent education in trauma. I didn't know he was gonna go and enlist.
Meredith: He keeps coding.
Callie: There's Y open book pelvic fractures.
Owen: There's too much bleeding. If we take him to an OR now he'll die on the table.
Callie: He needs to go to angio if we're gonna stop the pelvic arterial bleeding.
Meredith: Sinus tac, we have a rhythm. Barely there, but it's there.
Owen: Let's stabilize the pelvis
Bailey: Look, I know what goes on in this hospital. I know you're messed up from that war and not in a small way. Get him out of it!
Callie: Page me if you need me. I've got other pages.
Mark: How did you piss off all the women?
Owen: Ah, lets get this guy an angio
Meredith: Angio? He's barely got a pulse.
Owen: It's now or never if we want him to live. Alright, lets move. Sir, i know it's really touch, but I'd personally be really grateful if you'd try and stay alive for the next few minutes.

Cristina: Oh!
Owen: Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. Take care now.

Cristina: How's it going with your shrink?
Owen: Ah, I'm doing better. Inch by inch. Progress is slow. It was your ceiling fan, above your bed. Blades spinning like blades of a chopper, um, my shrink said that was the trigger to me ah, choking you.
Cristina: Oh. You know we should probably get going...

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
