Penny: Oh, that's great. You're gonna be an uncle. Uncle Sheldon.
Sheldon: No. I'll be Uncle Dr. Cooper.

Penny: So what do you think.
Sheldon: A tad asymmetrical but nothing to be worried about.

Leonard: So, is that it? Are we engaged?
Penny: Yeah, I think so.
Leonard: All right.

Leonard: Penny and I have some big news.
Penny: We're engaged!
Raj: And I thought me having sex with Emily was gonna be the big news.

Leonard: I know his password, so I can track his phone.
Penny: You do that?
Leonard: Not always, but ever since he wandered off at the swap meet chasing a balloon, I get worried.
Penny: He can take care of himself. Look, we went over stranger danger and gave him that whistle.

Penny: He'll be okay. You taught him well, Padawan.
Sheldon: Good Lord! Padawan's the student,
not the teacher.
Penny: Seriously, let him go.

Amy: What's the show?
Penny: Um, NC ... II .... Or, you know, NCSTD ... I don't know, it's the one with all the letters and I'm gonna be on it!

You didn't get your part cut. You didn't get your part cut. Yep. A bunch of old guys rockinig out in a band, all with erectile dysfunction, you didn't get your part cut!"

Leonard: Can we talk?
Penny: We can, but the part of "Penny" might get cut.

I took a temp job as a waitress forever ago and I can't quit, because guess what? I can't do anything else.

Penny: Let's get married?
Leonard: What?
Penny: Leonard Hofstadter, will you marry me?
Leonard: Um....
Penny: Did you seriously just say "Umm..."?

Leonard: Listen. I could never do what you're doing. I'd be terrified.
Penny: Well it's scary for me too.
Sheldon: I'm fine with it.
Leonard: My point is: just because I couldn't do it doesn't mean you shouldn't. And I'm proud of you.
Penny: Okay. Thank you.

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?