Myka: Hey, partner. How are you feeling?
Pete: Sore. Everywhere. Need cookies.

Pete: Use your feminine wiles. Smile. You're pretty when you smile.
Myka: I am?
Pete: Yeah.
Myka: So what does that mean when I'm not smiling?
Pete: Kind of frightening.

Myka: Having intel in the field keeps an agent alive, Pete. But Artie acts like keeping us alive is not a priority. To him we're just...
Pete: Redshirts?
Myka: Yeah.
Pete: Okay. First, he doesn't think we're redshirts. And second, that's so cool you knew what I meant.

Myka: Is there anything you don't play with?
Pete: Umm... no.

Myka: You use soap on a rope?
Pete: Hey, I don't judge your personal hygiene products. Although you might wanna invest and get some moisturizers. You look a little dry around the nose.
Myka: Oh, you want to swap beauty tips. Then we can talk about the hair that's sprouting from your shoulders, your nose, and, your, umm, ears.

Myka: What's he in for?
Pete: He killed his wife. A lot.

Pete: Maybe the old Bible banger had something that was curing the crazy.
Myka: Right.
Pete: Maybe this is what Mrs. Frederick meant by "endless freaking wonder.

Myka: We don't even know what we're looking for.
Pete: Why would this time be any different?"

Pete: Done! I win! Ha ha ha ha!
Myka: It's not a race.
Pete: Said the tortoise to the hare.
Myka: You know, in the story, the tortoise actually wins.
Pete: It's a fairy tale. How is a turtle going to beat a rabbit?
Myka: It's not a fairy tale. It's a fable, a life lesson. "Slow and steady wins the race."
Pete: Here's a life lesson. Pete fast, Pete win.

Myka: I just hope she's okay, you know?
Pete: Claudia's like bamboo. You can bend her all you want, but she'll never break.

Myka: "Baylor Dodgeball. Used for military dexterity and agility training. Multiples upon contact." That we already know. "Acquired after the... bludgeoning deaths of five cadets in 1972."
Pete: Uh, uh, bludgeoning is b-bad.
Myka: Agreed, Agreed.

Unbunch your panties and make the best of a bad situation.