Peter: Tell me you're wrong.
Neal: You're wrong.

Neal, what the hell are you doing?

Neal, you are the ransom.

Peter: (about his pizza) Finish?
Mozzie: Lactose.

Peter: And for the record I hate Port - its too syrupy.
Neal: There will be other options.

Peter: You met him playing backgammon?
Neal: It was simpler times.

Who's pulling the strings and why do I give a damn?

(about Daniel's new profile picture) He changed his profile to include the hat - he just keeps getting more adorable.

You have a lot of rules for someone who doesn't play by them.

Neal: You're the only one.
Peter: The only one what?
Neal: The only person in my life that I trust.

Peter: Hey there, you look thirsty.
Melissa: I would love a drink.

Now, now I am pissed off.

White Collar Quotes

Burke: You look like a cartoon!
Caffrey: This is classic Rat Pack - this is Devore!
Burke: Oh, sorry, Dino.

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.