The fact that you don't remember is exactly how it's possible.

Rayna: I'm just gonna live my life.
Lamar: It's always best to just leave the past behind.

We've just brought each other so much grief.

I think I've lost my voice. I don't know who I am without it.

I really think it's time that Jeff Fordham met the Wyatt side of Rayna James.

Rayna: You don't need to be anybody's guitar player. You might need to take a minute, figure out who you are without a guitar in your hand, but don't you ever say you're done with music.
Deacon: You either ok?

You and I have been doing a real good job of keeping our distance and moving on with our lives, but we'€™re just not gonna be able to do that. We have a daughter together. She'€™s asking for you, she wants her father.

Rayna: She's gonna toughen up.
Deacon: Not everybody's as tough as you are.

For better or for worse, you and I have written a lot of hits together.

I think my head is trying to catch up with my heart.

Scarlett: You might have weird co-dependent relationships with you ex-boyfriends but I do not.
Rayna: What are you talking about?
Scarlett: Deacon. If you say jump he will always ask "how high?"!

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?

Nashville Quotes

Why can't they just give out the damn award already? Why do they have to throw so many parties?


What you're bailing on the party? Great that's one less person's feelings I have to tiptoe around all night.

Juliette [to Avery]