Lorelai: (about the rabbit they're having for dinner) You brought it with you from London?
Trix: Yes.
Lorelai: What, did you get it a seat?
Richard: Dry ice.
Lorelai: Wow! That's inventive.

Trix: You talk about me like I'm dead.
Richard: Oh you're never going to die, you're too stubborn!

Richard: Emily, I didn't know we were having company for dinner.
Emily: Oh well, it was just sort of a spur of the moment thing. Chase's mother and I are in the DAR together and he just moved back to Hartford, and it just seemed like a nice idea.
Lorelai: Yes, very nice.
Richard: Uh Chase, can I get you a drink?
Chase: Scotch neat.
Richard: Uh, Glenfiddich?
Chase: Fine. So Lorelai, your mother's told me all about you.
Lorelai: Really?
Chase: Oh yes. I'm just sorry your daughter couldn't join us for dinner. I adore children.
Lorelai: Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?
Emily: Lorelai, we have company.
Lorelai: It'll just take a second, really.
Emily: But
Lorelai: Come on, it'll be fun. Excuse us. We're just gonna have a spur of the moment conversation. (Lorelai guides Emily to the kitchen)

Richard: Lorelai, what are you going to take away from this? That everything that happened in the past is suddenly fine because I defended you?
Lorelai: No.
Richard: That the hell you put your mother and me through over the past 16 years is suddenly washed away? Well, it's not!
Lorelai: We've all been through hell, Dad.
Richard: I had to tell my friends, my colleagues, that my only daughter, the brightest in her class, was pregnant and leaving school.
Lorelai: That must have been devastating.
Richard: Then you ran away and treated us as lepers. Your mother couldn't get out of bed for a month! Did you know that? Did you?
Lorelai: No.
Richard: We did nothing to deserve that! Nothing to earn that!

Richard: This little girl is quite smart, Strobe. She could even give you a run for your money.
Strobe: Oh? (Stares at Rory, who stares at the floor) I think my money will be safe.

Lorelai: All right, I get it. I'm horrible. So why don't you disown me and adopt Christopher? You love him.
Richard: Oh, don't be a martyr, Lorelai. And don't be naive. Do you think I love the boy who got my daughter pregnant? I wanted to kill him. I would have, too, with my bare hands! But there was a proper procedure to be followed in a situation like this.
Lorelai: Marriage.
Richard: Christopher was willing to follow the plan we laid out. You weren't.
Lorelai: What about what I wanted? Dad, didn't that mean anything to you?
Richard: Sometimes, one has to sacrifice something in order to do what is right.
Lorelai: (speechless) I.....I feel indescribably sad for you right now, Dad.
Richard: Well, save your emotions, Lorelai. I've had quite enough of them tonight.

Lorelai: Rory just dressed up in a cute apron the other day, and so I was just teasing her about it.
Richard: Why did you get dressed up in an apron?
Lorelai: W..well, we decided to give up on that pesky Harvard dream and focus on something more realistic. Mom, dad, Rory's decided to become a maid, just like I was.
Emily: Is that funny? (to Richard) Did you think that was funny?
Richard: What would have possessed you to say such a thing?!
Emily: And in front of Rory?!
Lorelai: I was kidding.
Emily: God, my heart stopped!
Lorelai: (To Rory) Why don't you tell them about your bird? That seems like a safe subject.

(dinner at Emily and Richard's)
Lorelai: Mmm, kickass wine.
Emily: How poetic!
Lorelai: It's got a nice smell. Earthy, vibrant, you can taste the Italian's feet.
Richard: Well, it's a Bordeaux, it's French.
Lorelai: Ha, what's an Italian's foot doing in a French wine?

Lorelai: (to her parents) You're both going to hell, I hope you realize that.
Richard: At least we'll be well rested.

Richard: We always go to the Vineyard at this time of year.
Lorelai: Well, you know, you could break the chain, Dad. Go to Paris.
Rory: Yes, Paris!
Lorelai: Impressionism, poodles.
Rory: Crme brle.
Lorelai: Oh, that's great!
Richard: Impossible!
Lorelai: Pourquoi? (speaking to Rory) French.
Emily: We only go to Europe in the fall.
Lorelai: You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring.
Rory: I heard that too.
Emily: We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall.
Lorelai: It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me.
Richard: Well what is so interesting about Europe in the spring?
Lorelai: Spring vegetables.
Emily: You want us to go to Europe to eat a vegetable?
Lorelai: No, Mom. I don't know. There's all kinds of stuff. There's festivals and, you know, Europe.
Emily: In the fall.
Richard: It costs a fortune to travel first class in Europe. We only do it every two years.
Emily: In the fall.
Richard: It's just not in the budget this year.
Lorelai: You don't have to fly first class.
(Emily and Richard both look stunned)
Lorelai: 'Cause there's always coach.
(Richard looks even more stunned)
Lorelai: (taken aback) Or business class is slightly less. There's deals on the Internet. (Richard and Emily remain silent) Hmm. (to Rory)Pass the potatoes.

Emily: (patting Rory) This little girl likes you.
Richard: Well, she has good taste.

Emily: (almost in tears) Richard Gilmore, there may be many things happening in this hospital tonight, but your dying is not one of them. I did not sign on to your dying, and it is not going to happen. Not tonight, not for a very long time. In fact, I demand to go first. Do I make myself clear?
Richard: (tenderly) Yes, Emily. You may go first.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
