Owen: If she finds out I waited, she'll never forgive me.
Webber: Her husband just died on our table. She's never going to forgive any of us.

GEORGE: "Why did you do the surgery once you saw that the cancer had spread?"
MIRANDA: "George."
GEORGE: "He asked you. He asked you to do it no matter what?"
RICHARD: "We have to respect our patients' wishes."
GEORGE: [to Miranda] "You said you would be straight with me. He could have lived for weeks. Months. We could have had months with him. My mom, she could have had months with him!"
RICHARD: "He wanted to fight the cancer, George."
GEORGE: "He didn't know better! You knew better! You shouldn't have done it. You shouldn't have done it."

Jackson: You hurt my mom and I hurt you.
Webber: I won't hurt your mom, I like her.
Jackson: I dont like that you like her.
Webber: Man to man, you're just gonna have to deal with it. You don't want a piece of this. Not today.
Jackson: I'm watching you.
Webber: I hope you like the view.

I just spoke with a friend of mine at the DOH. Now that we have Owen, we are being reclassified as a LEVEL 1 trauma unit by the end of the month!

Richard: Meredith.
Meredith: Yes Sir?
Richard: I've been reading your mother's journals. I wish she was here today.
Meredith: Well, I don't know how she would have felt about me getting married.
Richard: No, not for that. For this. Your first solo surgery.
Meredith: Oh, well she probably would have said with all the mistakes I've made I'm lucky the patients alive.
Richard: That's right, but, I also know she would have been thrilled. She wouldn't have been able to tell you, but, she would have been.
Meredith: Thank you Sir.

Richard: You wanna take point on a surgery, take point. Problem comes up, solve it. Don't ask me, just do it. Be me.
Miranda: Be you.
Richard: Be me.

Richard: You pulled off a 12-eprson domino surgery last week. That's the kind of thing we need every week. It's the kind of thing that shows me you're gonna be a great surgeon one day.
Miranda: Well thank you sir.
Richard: It's not enough. I don't want you to just be great Miranda. I want you to be the best. And if you're going to succeed me as the best general surgeon in this hospital than you need to start now. Today. Which means you need to be me.

Meredith, you want to come in for a minute and sit down? Meredith?

Izzie: What do you mean you don't deliver dresses? Just to try on? No, no, no. I... I can't come in. I... I... I have cancer. I'm... I'm bed bound and dying. (fake coughs) Fabulous! I'll fax you my choices.
(Chief and Dr. Swender are looking on)
Izzie: Hi! Ah, what do you need? Blood? Pee? What can I get you?
Richard: Just checking in on you. See how the chemo's sitting.
Izzie: Fine. I haven't puked yet. And, I'm making major progress on Mer's wedding.
Dr. Swender: You should really take it easy. The chemo's gonna take a lot out of you.
Izzie: I'll let you know if I hit the wall. (Answers her phone) Hello? Hi! Yes, I wanted to discuss, um, flower arrangements.
Dr. Swender: She needs to save her energy. This isn't just chemo. It's high dose IL2. It's designed to make the body attack itself. She's walking around now, but it's not gonna last. Her blood pressure's gonna tank, she's gonna be shaking with chills, she'll feel nauseous. She might even have a heart attack. Believe me, a few hours from now, Izzie Steven's is gonna wish she were dead.

Richard: Ah, It's not a good time, he's still scrubbing in.
Meredith: I know, it's just, ah, he should wear this. It's his ferry boat scrub cap. He loves ferry boats.

Richard: You're gonna have to put together a team, and come up with a plan to save her.
Miranda: Save a girl with an inoperable tumor?
Richard: It's not easy being me.

Dr. Bailey, when you're rolling down the far side of the hill, things fall apart.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
