We saw 26 patients. 26 victims. And we had no casualties. No one died.

Apparently some people thought I was kidding last week when I said that no one was going to be able to hang out in their favorite specialty anymore. I WASN'T. Junior residents do not specialize. So all the requests to send you back to the special place where your true heart lives can end now. Dr. Bailey makes the assignments, do not - I repeat do not, harang her.

Richard: Hows she doing?
Meredith: I'm keeping a close eye on her, but so far she's completely stable.
Richard: Come with me. [walks down the hall] This man is very ill, may be dying. He's got a perfect healthy donor kidney that WASN'T dropped on the floor. There's only so much we can help, and so much we can hurt. Forgive yourself.

Richard: What the hell is this? Oh this is not ok, I have a hospital to run. And Derek, what the hells the matter with you man? We've all been there.
Callie: We said that.
Richard: We've all had tough losses.
Owen: He knows that.
Richard: We show up the next day, and we try and save the next life.
Callie: Yeah we covered that too.
Richard: Ok, what about this? Nothing we do can stop death. We can hold it at bay every now and then, but everyone dies. And that's not on us.
Derek: I took a pregnant woman in for a simple surgery, and I botched it. That is on me. I should feel badly about that. And you, you should feel badly that while I was out here, you sent Meredith out here expecting a ring. Why would you do that? Why in gods name, would you do that?
Richard: I was trying to help. She didn't wanna come. She wanted to leave you out here alone, I was trying to help Derek.
Derek: You were trying to help yourself. Not me. Yourself! I hit the ring in the woods. In the woods. You destroyed me.

You've signed a marriage license, and you haven't asked him the most basic questions on how he wants to live or die.


Richard: I also heard a story that you constructed an O.R. table from an exploded Humvee in the middle of the desert, is that true?
Owen: Well, you have to be innovative in the middle of the desert.
Richard: You have to be innovative everywhere. How would you like a job, Dr. Hunt?
Owen: I... appreciate the offer, but I have to go back to the sand pit. Finish my tour.

I am 45 days sober today. I am Richard and I am a grateful and recovering alcoholic.

Richard: How'd it go?
Arizona: Oh, Dr. Grey. If you're free, Maddie here could use a little cleaning and laceration repair 'cause I'm being paged.
Meredith: Absolutely.
Richard: Meredith. Are you ok?
Meredith: I'm great. Thanks (takes Maddie's file) Hey Maddie, I'm Dr. Grey. Mind if I take a look at that cut on your face?
Maddie's Mom: You know, she's so sorry. So sorry.
Maddie: Is my daddy gonna die?
Meredith: I don't know. I hope not.
Maddie: How come?
Meredith: How come what?
Maddie: How come he don't die? I shot him lots'a times. How come he don't die?

Arizona: (With a stern face, eyes Richard off) Chief.
Richard: Yes Dr. Robbins?
Arizona: Chief.
Richard: Did you wanna tell me something?
Arizona: I am going to cry, and I just want you to know that I know it's going to happen. And, I just want you to ignore it. And, I'm not crying because I'm upset. It's just what happens when I get mad at people of authority.
Richard: You're mad at me?

So, you're the panty police now?

[the cast, narrating]
MEREDITH: "Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive."
GEORGE: "Family"
IZZIE: "Sex"
DEREK: "But we only need one thing"
RICHARD: "To actually be alive."
CRISTINA: "We need a beating heart."
ADDISON: "When our heart is threatened"
ALEX: "We respond in one of two ways."
GEORGE: "We either run or-"
IZZIE: "We attack."
RICHARD: "There's a scientific term for this."
ALEX: "Fight..."
ADDISON: "...or flight."
MIRANDA: "It's instinct."
MEREDITH: "We can't control it."
IZZIE: "Or can we?"

CRISTINA: "How do you keep your edge, sir? Because I've watched you and you've been doing this a long time and you're clean, you're focused, you are the job. Nothing gets to you. And the thing is sir, I was like that, until I got here. Until I actually started doing this job and now everything is... is fuzzy and-"
RICHARD: "That’s beside the point."
CRISTINA: "No, you see sir, this is the point. Because I can't tell you. I can't tell you what happened in that room. And before, I could have. No guilt, no loyalties, no problem. Before, before I wouldn't have even been in that room. I wouldn't have gotten involved. I would have never frozen in surgery. I would have told him what I thought he should do. I had an edge sir. I had an edge and I've lost it, and I need it. I need it back. So, if you could just tell me, how you keep yours and how not to be affected, I know I could be a great surgeon. So if you could just give me the answers, I would really appreciate it."
RICHARD: "You're excused, Dr. Yang."
RICHARD: "You're excused. Go."
CRISTINA: "I'll tell you, I'll tell you who cut the LVAT wires if you'll please-"
RICHARD: "No you won't, I don't wanna know. Not from you. Yeah, I have the answers, but I can't tell them to you. I'm not going to be responsible for you becoming less human."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
