Gunnar: Wanna help me set up our band's Twitter profile?
Scarlett: We already have a Twitter profile?
Gunnar: Of course. We got to generate publicity. We just need a photo, that's all.
Scarlett: Why?
Gunnar: Well, if you don't upload a photo, then you're just an egg, and no one takes you seriously when you're just an egg.

Gunnar: You can't keep fighting it, Scarlett. Everything that just happened on that stage, the energy, the connection, you and me. It's all still there. I felt it, and I know you felt it too.
Scarlett: Well, as somebody once said to me, all I felt was music.

I say this with love, but court-mandated community service does not exactly drive your point home.

I realized that I'm in love with you, Gunnar.

Gunnar: I love you and you love me too, right?
Scarlett: Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.

Scarlett: You know I really love you but you can be a real idiot.
Deacon: There seems to be a mounting consensus to that effect.

Scarlett: You know when you can't enjoy what you've got because you can't stop thinking about how bad it was when you didn't have it and so you're kinda bracing for that and then you end up screwing up all of the moments. That make sense?
Deacon: Far too much.

I can't make love when I'm anxious about pretending to make love on camera tomorrow.

Because you're not a shrink. You're just some dude with screwed up views about woman all being secret sexpots and it's your spiritual journey to awaken all of us.

Is it because you're a man you think you can manipulate and diagnose everybody or is it because you grew up rich and privileged and you think everybody else is simple and repressed?

Scarlett: Gunnar, I’ve made my peace with the past but it doesn’t mean I want other people knowing about it. I’m ashamed of what they might think of me; what a weak person I must be to keep taking you back.
Gunnar: Ok, I’m sorry. But for what it’s worth, I think you’re dead wrong. I think you’re so damn strong. I’m thankful for that. Every day.

I’m seeing myself but not from the outside, not like a picture. You’ve shown me from the inside. You’ve shown me what I look like in my own mind. That’s what you did.

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?