Daisy: They're not trying to cure Inhumans, they're...
Bobbi: They're turning them.

Coulson: Sounds like there's a lot you're willing to forgive.
Daisy: I will never forgive him. He murdered Rosalind just to hurt you. He killed Koenig because of me.
Coulson: He knew once Koenig outed him as HYDRA he'd lose you.
Daisy: And the sad part is, that's when I finally understood him for the first time. The reason Ward kills isn't because he feels nothing. It's because he feels too much.

Mack: Coulson put me in charge to make the hard call and that's what I'm doing. We can't afford to lose our best agents in one fell swoop. Not here. Not tonight. Now if I don't get out, May's the new Director. That's what Coulson would want.
Daisy: Okay, but one thing... I'm staying with you. Because A: I can keep the portal open if something goes wrong. And B: I'm your partner.

Daisy: By the way, ‘fight to the death’? Really?
Fitz: Well, I had to make a splashy entrance.
Daisy: Well, you could’ve jumped in the Octagon yourself, then!
Fitz: No, it wouldn’t be fair. I do pushups now. Double digits.

These pipes are hot. I wonder if that means this is the spa floor...

Daisy [in a dark dingy corridor]

May: If there's a chance to save your life, why not try?
Coulson: Because. I already had one unnatural life extension, and I don't want another. We both have to accept that. [leaves]
May [to Daisy]: Not a chance. He was our shield when we needed it. And like it or not, we're going to be his.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.