Lorelai: Sookie, I need coffee to go.
Sookie: There's fresh over there.
Lorelai: Ooh, good. (walks over to the coffee pot to find it empty) Fresh in my first lifetime as Joan of Arc.

Lorelai: Yeah. This school is so different from Stars Hollow you know. They send home like a thousand pages of updates every week. It's a very intense place.
Sookie: Uh huh.
Lorelai: Last week there was a huge debate over whether plaid scrunchies were acceptable head wear. People took sides, things got ugly, the scrunchie motion finally passed and I'd like to think I was the tie breaker.

(About the bake sale)
Max: Very Henry VIII.
Lorelai: Well we're not into subtle.
Max: Good to see you, Lorelai.
Lorelai: Oh, good to see you, Mr. Medina.
Max: Max.
Lorelai: Mr. Medina.
Max: Max.
Lorelai: Mr. Medina, meet Sookie, the chef at the Inn. Sookie, Mr. Medina.
Sookie: What's the name again?
Lorelai: Mr. Medina.
Sookie: I know, you've said it like a zillion times.

Sookie: Is that meatloaf?
Luke: Yeah.
Sookie: You use ketchup?
Luke: You gonna make fun of my mother, too?

Luke: Sookie!
Sookie: Hey, I was looking for your paprika.
Luke: Hey, what have I said about the counter?
Sookie: I know.
Luke: How the counter is a sacred space, my sacred space. You don't do yoga on the Dalai Lama's mat. And you don't come behind my counter. Period!
Sookie: I was trying to help!
Luke: (to Lorelai) You bring her again, I want her on a leash! I mean it.

Lorelai: Plus, it would be great to get, you know.
Sookie: What?
Lorelai: You know.
Sookie: No, I don't.
Lorelai: You know. (indicating the man sitting next to her) He knows.
Sookie: (to the man sitting next to Lorelai) You know?
Man: Yeah, I know.

Lorelai: Life is a funny funny thing, huh?
Sookie: Yeah I love that Jim Carrey.
Lorelai: What?
Sookie: Jim Carrey. He's just -- he's just -- funny.
Lorelai: He is funny but I didn't mean funny, funny. I'm being philosophical.
Sookie: Oh. Very serious face. Jean-Paul Sartre.

Sookie: Hangover?
Lorelai: Emily.
Sookie: Oh. Got it, moving on.

Lorelai: Emily Gilmore, you can set your watch by her. Although you know what she did do last night?
Sookie: Wore jeans?
Lorelai: Served pudding.
Sookie: I was close.
Lorelai: I mean, I'm sure it was some expensive form of pudding, but nonetheless it was pudding!
Sookie: That is amazing!
Lorelai: Right?! That would mean that she actually made a mental note that we like pudding, which would mean she listens to something other than the judgmental conga line going on in her head, and got over the fact that to her, pudding is hospital food and is only acceptable when you've just had a vital organ ripped out of your body.
Sookie: Wow, that's some journey she had to take, there.
Jackson: (comes running into the kitchen and says to Lorelai) Open your mouth and close your eyes.
Lorelai: Who are you talking to?
Jackson: Right. Sorry (runs to Sookie). Open your mouth and close your eyes.
Sookie: Okay. (opens her mouth and closes her eyes).
Jackson: Now get ready for something truly amazing.
Sookie: Mmmmmmmm! Yeah!
Jackson: Huh?
Lorelai: What is it?!
Sookie: I don't know. It's like a--
Jackson: A what?
Sookie: It's like a berry, but way more exotic.
Jackson: Yes! Good!
Lorelai: Jackson, have you been having reactions to your fertilizer fumes again?

Sookie: A zucchini tush?
Jackson: Just a temporary name.
Sookie: You want me to serve my customers a genetically engineered vegetable that's named after a butt?

Sookie: You must really like this guy.
Lorelai: When did you become a relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years. (Big pause, as she realizes what she just said) Wow... zero to jackass in 3.2 seconds.

Lorelai: What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?
Sookie: You can have anything I own. My car! Sell my car!
Lorelai: Oh, sweetie, no one wants your car.
Sookie: Yeah.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
