Bill [to Hoyt]: Are you going to leave or am I going to have to throw you out a window that is closed?
Sookie: That is just rude

Sookie [about Jessica]: You can teach her how to walk that line between vampire and human
Bill: Yes because I have mastered that
Sookie: Okay so you can teach each other

Look if ya'll argue anymore I'm either gonna fall asleep or start screaming

Bill: It's been a long night... don't feel like you have to
Sookie: Quit talking crazy
Bill: I just meant that I'd be satisfied to simply hold you
Sookie: I would not be satisfied. Not one bit.
Bill: What do you want, Sookie? Say it.
Sookie: I want you. Every which way. I just want you

You know in person she looks like vanilla pudding

Sookie: He's your maker isn't he?
Eric: Don't use words you don't understand.
Sookie: You have a lot of love for him.
Eric: Don't use words I don't understand.

I can't, it's too gross and it's you

Sookie: Are you very afraid?
Godric: No. No. I'm full of joy.
Sookie: But the pain...
Godric: I want to burn.
Sookie: I'm afraid for you. She starts to tear up.
Godric: A human with me at the end, and human tears; 2,000 years and I can still be surprised. In this I see God.

Godric: You'll care for him? Eric?
Sookie: I'm not sure - you know how he is.
Godric: I can take the blame for that too.
Sookie: (smiles) Maybe not. Eric's pretty much himself.

Godric: Do you believe in God?
Sookie: Yes, I do.
Godric: If you're right, how will he punish me?
Sookie: God doesn't punish, he forgives.
Godric: I don't deserve it. But I hope for it.
Sookie: We all do.

Sookie: Jason, this would be one of those times to use your head.
Jason: Oh, I am. This here is the war I've been training for.

Grandma [about people charging vampires for sex]: Wonder how much one would charge for something like that?
Jason: A thousand bucks.
Sookie: See, now that just makes me sick.
Grandma: I know. What kind of cheap woman could ever do something like that?
Sookie: No it makes me sick that they're getting a thousand bucks to lay there and do nothing while I bust my ass for ten bucks an hour plus tips

True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Eric: You surprise me. That's rare in a breather.
Sookie: You disgust me.
Eric: Perhaps I'll grow on you.
Sookie: I'd prefer cancer

True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes