Will: You poked the bear. I asked you not to poke the bear.
Diane: Would you stop with the bear talk.

You're pitiful. Get a pair of balls and throw a punch.

Judge: How do you know this Miss Hellinger?
Will: Yes, how do you know this?
Laura: I don't your Honor. But I've caught onto Mr. Gardner's tricks.

Alicia: We were good together, weren't we?
Will: Yes.

I don't think I'd have that determination. So we have to win this.

Look, you consider being exclusive to us and I'll get you more money. But, otherwise, your freedom costs you.

Veronica: Do you love my daughter?
Will: I'm sorry?
Veronica: Because if you do it's time to stop being polite about it, You have a window, but it's closing. That schmuck of a husband of her's wants to renew their vows and I know my daughter. If she does that you're never going to pry her away from him. So, you're gonna have to move now.
Will: It's very nice to see you again.

Will: So, how does it feel to be First Lady of Illinois?
Alicia: Weird. Kind of like First Galactic Princess.

Alicia: What's going on?
Will: Diane.

Diane: This is my firm!
Will: It was your firm.
Diane: Then get the security guards. Carry me out.
Will: No. We have enough respect for you not to make this a public spectacle.

Will: I can't decide this by myself, but I can sway most of the partners, and I think you'll enjoy a honeymoon period as the Governor's wife.
Alicia: Uh...OK. I..I'm not...
Will: I want you to consider replacing Diane as managing partner.

That was the deal from the beginning, Diane, remember? We'll work together until it was not fun or profitable anymore. Are you having fun?

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
