I'm no errand boy. I am a true soldier. With your permission, General, I'd like to remain here with the army.

General Fraser: If General Burgoyne can convince us that we are victorious, then we have prevailed.
William: Lt. Hammond is dead.
General Fraser: An honorable death.
William: But I lived to tell the tale.
General Fraser: They send forth men to battle, But no such men return, so says Aeschylus. You're a different man now.
William: Send forth men to battle, But no such men return; And home, to claim their welcome, Come ashes in an urn.

Captain Richardson: War is long. No doubt an opportunity for redemption will present itself.
William: I will be ready when it does, sir. You have my word.

William: You’re a rebel.
Claire: Yes, my husband is a colonel in the militia. We were separated, and I was captured.

Rachel: You saved our lives. I don't know how to thank thee.
William: You can thank that rotten stew that I awoke to such terrible pain in my stomach.

Rachel: What is it, William?
William: I've never killed anyone before. I do not, I do not quite know what to do about it. I expected it to be in battle. I think I would know how to feel if it had been.
Rachel: No, you wouldn't.
William: You must think me disgraceful.
Rachel: I think you know well enough to know that's untrue.

William: I’d rather die than have you amputate my arm.
Ian: Ye canna do that. You still need a proper death song, aye?