When it comes to testosterone, the Braverman men are blessed with an abundance of riches.

I'm an irrational hard ass with rage issues. Don't piss me off.

You left your sock in my house, but took my granddaughter's innocence. Here's your sock.

Zeek: Good for you for resisting when that boy, you know, was trying to get you to have intercourse with him. I'm so proud of you.
Haddie: Thanks Grandpa.
Zeek: You're welcome.

Adam: A wise man once told me that we always have to forgive each other and not get hung up on the past.
Zeek: Team Braverman.

Camille, I want to spend the rest of the time we have together making our lives good. I'm going to sing now.

Zeek: I couldn't get Adam to drink one beer with me.
Crosby: No way, if he drinks too much the stick might fall out of his ass.

Zeek: Got some anger in you?
Joel: Well...
Zeek: A little spirit. I like that. I don't think I've ever heard you say more than five words since I knew you.
Joel: Well...
Zeek: No really, I hear you and I see you.

Zeek: We are his grandparents too, we have a say in it.
Crosby: Well, I'm his dad and I don't have a say in it.
Zeek: Oh I see, well your balls will still be here when you get back.
Jabbar: What balls?

Joel: What am I going to do; I'm going to show them how to use fabric softener properly?
Zeek: Joel, I mean really. These kids are kindergartners, you could light your own fart and they would think you were Einstein. Come on!

Hey Millie, I would love to dance with you.

If someone gets in your grill you got to shove them back, you got to get tough Max. Kick some ass baby.

Parenthood Quotes

Mom, I'm on my feet I'm not destitute. I've just got a little financial trouble and two degenerate kids, but I'll be fine.


Max: Isn't the game today?
Adam: Well buddy I thought you were done with baseball.
Max: It's my team.
Adam: Games in 10 minutes everybody.

Parenthood Music

  Song Artist
On My Way Back Home Band of Horses iTunes
Song Smile Evil Twins
Well Runs Dry Peter Case iTunes