Cause if this attack goes down, I can't protect you from what comes next. Nobody can. It will become strictly a german matter. You know better than anybody what that means.


Jake: There's more? Charles, this is too much.
Charles: Nonsense, it was just a lot of time and a lot of money.

Amy: You guys are doing a polar swim, why didn't you ask me?
Captain Holt: We didn't think you'd be interested.
Rosa: You're always cold, you brought a blanket to a Mets game in mid-July.

Charles: How are we going to get past them without a gun fight?
Jake: I'll tell you how John McClane would do it, the vents.
Charles: Blast the A/C, they get chilly, they leave to find sweaters.
Jake: No, we're going to climb through them.
Charles: Even better, classic use of vents.

Terry: I do not want a repeat of last year when Scully called me fifty times on Christmas morning.
Scully: No, I called you once, my butt called the other forty-nine.

We don't need guns. I have a lighter, okay, we get some hairspray, make some flame throwers. Let's fry these bitches.


What's out there knows you're alive, and it wants you to be unalive.


Amanda: You think THIS is the right time to be hitting on me?
Ash: Hey, there's no bad time. I'm old school, baby.
Amanda: Oh, you're old somethin'.

Hey, just so you know, each of you has a special place in my heart. Good job staying alive. Keep it up. Amen.


Amanda: You think there's another exit door?
Ash: No. But I'll say yes just to keep hope alive.

That's right. We're not leaving a trail of blood and guts behind us, we're keeping Michigan moist.


Haynes: Hold on, wait, you don't think I had anything to do with that do you?
Danny: I don't know, after what we saw on tv last night, I don't think you two will be exchanging Christmas gifts, you know