Have you ever heard a British person say "y'all"?


This meeting should also cover latent racism. You went after those karate noises pretty hard.


[yelling] There will be a meeting tomorrow to discuss [fight]. At the meeting, there is going to be a PowerPoint presentation and a series of instructional videos shot by me and buddy, Tucker.


Stephie, you have something on your face, and I believe it is our client.


Stephie: I've really got a feeling about this one in my gut.
Zelda: Are you sure that feeling isn't a bit lower in your body?

Stu: I didn't have peanuts.
Zelda: He was scoffing.

Dinesh: Are you calling me husky?
Lora: No. I'm calling you an idiot.

I over-estimated your ability to think on your feet. I just assumed everyone in this town had been through level one improv.

Big Bird

Stu cooked me a whole breakfast, and then put it in the trash while I watched.


Of the 4 that are local, 2 are divorced and 1 started a polygamist cult. We're waiting for an update on the fourth.


Stephie: What the hell do you want?
Stu: To not go the world's worst Halloween Party. That's what.
Stephie: That's great so you won't be coming.

Andrew: I think Zelda and I may have gotten a little over-excited about our month together.
Stu: I've worn socks longer than a month.

A to Z Season 1 Quotes

You can try a child as an adult, but not the other way around....No. It does not matter if the crime is adorable.


The idea is to keep them paying the monthly fee. They won't do that if they get married
