Dr. Garner: I'm not here to discuss my ex.
Skye: Did you guys have actual conversations? You know like pillow talk? Or was it just pillow stern looks?

Fitz: I won't stay long, I just need to use the microwave. I didn't want to disturb May and her ex.
Simmons: Disturb them from?
Fitz: They're in the kitchen, talking.
Simmons: What are they talking about? Is it about Skye's condition?
Fitz: No it was of a personal nature. Seems that May isn't a good cook.
Simmons: Something Agent May doesn't excel at; interesting.
Fitz: Yeah, he teased her about it. She was laughing.
Simmons: Aw he makes her laugh. Clearly she still likes him and have you seen the way he looks at her?
Fitz: Yeah I have eyes Jemma, of course I've seen.
Simmons: I wonder what happened between them, why end it?
Fitz: They're a bizarre pair. He listens for a living and she doesn't speak.

Fitz: Things change, that's what I'm saying, so maybe if you can learn to control this then you could have Avengers level powers. Something like Captain America even.
Simmons: I think it best we keep in mind the unstable nature of Skye's power. If there is an Avenger equivalent right now, I'm afraid it's the Hulk.
Fitz: Well, Hulk saved the world last I checked.

This is not a decision that we arrived at lightly. I know Coulson, he was a good agent. At least he was before Fury injected him with alien DNA. Ever since, his behavior has grown increasingly more troubling. Can you honestly tell me that you don't share any of these concerns?


Bobbi: Everything I felt for you, that was real.
Hunter: Yeah maybe so, but in the end you still got that intel didn't you?

Coulson: I'm sorry about everything that's happening Skye.
Skye: Not your fault. The blame begins and ends with my dad.
Coulson: Well, you wouldn't be the first person to have parents with misguided intentions.
Skye: Nope, just the first whose crazy dad lured her to an alien city to get earthquake powers.
Coulson: Yeah.

Fitz: What was in the case Jemma?
Simmons: Something to help Skye.
Fitz: Because you want to change her; is that it?
Simmons: Stop it. I don't want to change Skye, the Diviner did that. I'm just trying to fix her.

May: It's Bobbi, she set off some kind of EMP; she's gone.
Coulson: Mack too.
Fitz: He embedded a scanner into little Lola's engine. It was programmed to find anything with vibranium.
May: That's how Bobbie knew where to look. She has Fury's toolbox.

Skye: Who are you?
Gordon: I'm like you and I've come here as a friend. I can't imagine how it must've felt to go through your transformation without any understanding of what to expect. I had years to prepare and still, I was horrified by what I became.

Gonzales: If Coulson put her at the retreat, he thinks she's dangerous too.
Bobbi: Then I'd like to join. A familiar face couldn't hurt.

Coulson: I spent months searching for you when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, because I'd heard you were a good man. Because I wanted you on my team.
Gonzales: I wish I could say the same. I wish you were the man you were even two years ago, but by all accounts you're not.
Coulson: You didn't know me then, and you don't know me now.
Gonzales: I know that Fury brought you back from the dead.
Coulson: Right, I didn't ask for that but I've come to appreciate the gesture.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.