Skye: Fitz, have you ever heard of an O84 being a person?
Fitz: No, but I suppose it’s possible. I’d hate to meet the guy.

Couslon: Not a grenade exactly. It might be some type of cloaking mechanism.
Ward: Maybe it created some kind of portal.
Coulson: Let’s hope not. I can’t deal with Asgard today.

Ward: A train that ?
Coulson: Yep, Vanished. Which I might add, is not easy.

Coulson: What are you doing?
Simmons: I’m getting into character. My undercover persona harbors some residual resentment to her absent American father.

You’re the least supportive pretend girlfriend I've ever had.


Ward: Really? You think Coulson will take that excuse if he finds out about us?
May: He took it ok when I told him.
Ward: Wait? You told him?
May: Yep.

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

You’re the least supportive pretend girlfriend I've ever had.


Ward: Really? You think Coulson will take that excuse if he finds out about us?
May: He took it ok when I told him.
Ward: Wait? You told him?
May: Yep.

  • Permalink: Yep.
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