Celine: If you had your fill of live blood, you'd be healed by now. Drink me.
Aidan: No.
Celine: Don't be a fool. Bishop's coming for you. You can't fight him like this.
Aidan: Celine, I would have to drain you.
Celine: I'd rather die for you than for cancer.
Aidan. I will heal. I just need a little time. And, I need to get home.

What do you think would upset your mother more, You brain or heart on a platter?


Aidan: I think it means that you're more tethered to the earth.
Sally: So I'm stuck here now, like the rest of the one-eyed crazies.
Aidan: You're still not solid yet, you're just more charged.

Hey, so, you know, when was the last time the three of us got together and just played a really good game of Celebrity?


Tommy, I've only been at this a few weeks.


I'm sorry, it's the wolf. If I may talk about it in the 3rd person.


So, there were an unusual amount of tweeky looking vampires scuffling around the doorstep last night.


Part of me always thought, somebody's going to stop me, you know. This can't actually work.


Nora: So what time do you actually turn?
Josh: Why?
Nora: Well, I want to pick you up. Take you to the woods.
Josh: No, let's not do that.

Josh: Well, it's not just about safety, it's about research, too!
Sally: Hello 1993.

Were you playing hard to get or were you auditioning for The Miracle Worker?


So when it came down to it, you'd rather die every single day than date me?


Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
