Zapata: Do you really think we'll be reinstated?
Weller: I dunno.
Zapata: Your confidence is inspiring.

Ivy: Our or in?
Kathy: In. Let's cause some chaos.

Don't worry about me. I always land on my feet.

Weitz [to Patterson]

Rich: Promise me you won't ever do that again.
Patterson: Promise.

I'm the only friend stupid enough to do this.

Boston [to Rich]

Patterson: I forgot how it felt to work on a system that doesn't suck.
Afreen: Welcome home.

Not everyone's drinking the Madeline Kool-Aid.

Weitz [to Afreen]

If one of them would confess, that would tie up loose ends.


Jane: Whatever happens, I love you.
Weller: I love you too.

I know you want to be the kind of person who will do the right thing. But I don't know if you will. I guess we're going to find out.

Afreen [to Weitz]

You're going into the belly of the beast. Please don't die.

Patterson [to Weller and Jane]

Afreen: You may want to get some coffee.
Weitz: No, I'm good.
Afreen: I meant for me.

Blindspot Quotes

Jane: Please take him alive. He's the only one that might have answers.
Kurt: We'll try our best.

Someone did this to me. Took away my whole life and I can't do anything about it.
