I'm glad you figured that out as well.

Rich [to Patterson]

Patterson: My dad is on the run because of me.
Rich: He helped you because he loves you.

If you could stop playing Freud for a minute, I'd like to focus on this clue.

Patterson [to Rich]

Ice Cream: What is [Patterson] talking about?
Rich: Just let her run with it.

How are we going to find the paintings now?

Jane [to Weller]

Greetings. Let's do this.

Ice Cream

You get me the Gardner paintings and I give you a smoking gun.

Ice Cream

You need to trust me. You need to take a leap of faith.

Zapata [to Weller]

You're a killer, just like your old man.

Bill [to Kurt]

All you can trust in this world is yourself.

Guard [to Weller]

Where's this safe place I'm supposed to go to?

Zapata [to Jane]

The FBI built you to be unbreakable. My job is to unbuild you.

Ivy [to Weller]

Blindspot Quotes

Jane: Please take him alive. He's the only one that might have answers.
Kurt: We'll try our best.

Someone did this to me. Took away my whole life and I can't do anything about it.
