[Zapata] is flying for two now.


I am not doing this for you. I'm doing this for the team.

Afreen [to Weitz]

You need my help, I need to know everything.

Afreen [to Weitz]

Rich is in a nautical phase right now. Just be glad he didn't call us seamen.


Madeline: Success requires sacrifice.
Allie: How much is enough? What are you willing to give up?

Madeline [to Allie]: You can't protect everyone, Allison. Sometimes you have to choose. Who do you want to protect more: your daughter or her father?

Greg: She's my mother. I trust her.
Zapata: There's a part of you that doesn't. I don't think you do.

You have to decide right here, right now, whose side you're on.

Madeline [to Allie]

Weller: Are you ready for this?
Jane: I'd better be.

Jane: We can't let that happen.
Weller: We won't.

Ivy: I wouldn't underestimate [Allie].
Madeline: Well, don't underestimate me.

I'm telling you to step up. Weller and his team just took out my ZIP.

Ivy [to Madeline]

Blindspot Quotes

Jane: Please take him alive. He's the only one that might have answers.
Kurt: We'll try our best.

Someone did this to me. Took away my whole life and I can't do anything about it.
