You're all fired. If my inner circle cannot collaborate, I will find people who can. Personal feuds have no place in this building. Now that's my Plan B. Anyone want to hear Plan A?


Jamie: This is great. We're about to get married and I find out that you have a problem with my sister.
Eddie: Of course I do. She is smart, she is confident, she is beautiful, and she is good at her job. Basically every woman's worst nightmare.
Jamie: So you're every woman's worst nightmare? Because as far as I can see, you just described yourself.

She looks like a sweet, innocent little thing with all the stuffed animals, but believe me, she's got a temper.

Mrs. Harris

Sid: Chain of command.
Baker: Excuse me?
Sid: Chain of command. I'm a lieutenant. Anything that goes to the boss has to go through me first.
Garett: Actually, it goes through me.
Sid: You're a civilian.
Garett: Here we go again.

I'm gonna say something I don't say very often. You should have let me handle this.


Erin: Eddie, when I am in this office, I only take one side: the truth.

There is nothing to be nervous about. You are going to be a beautiful bride and my brother is a lucky guy.


Danny: I know twins stick together, but this is nuts. They live together, work together, even have a joint bank account.
Maria: How about their joint alibi?

Eddie: It's always a scam with him.
Jamie: Yeah, but he seemed genuine. And I've already put wheels in motion for him to get it.
Eddie: Without telling me?
Jamie: BEFORE telling you.
Eddie: Is there a difference?
Jamie: It's up to you, but my whole family's gonna be there and I thought maybe yours could be too.

Nicky: You know.
Frank: I do.
Nicky: How?
Frank: I'm the police commissioner. I hear things.

Henry: Donna, I don't have to report this.
Donna: Yes, you do. Or I will. Alexis has been given every opportunity in life and this is what she does.
Henry: But she's your granddaughter.
Donna: Who belongs in jail. You take this tape and you press charges.

Seth and I don't need a lawyer. We have each other.
