Bones: My IQ is quantifiably higher than yours.
Booth: You know what, you're the brains of the outfit.
Bones: You have your strengths, Booth.
Booth: Well, I try
Bones: Trying is one of your strengths.

Bones: Booth, do you ever let me think I'm the smart one when you've figured it out already?
Booth: No.
Bones: Because that would be ridiculous.

Sweets: You've been reading my psychology books again.
Bones: You leave them in the bathroom. They're good reading in the tub.

[to Cam and Angela] In high school I did a report concerning the effects of alcohol on muscle coordination. It was quite amusing.


Cam: Are you suggesting cause of death is stupidity?
Abernathy: Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

Booth: You're not always the smartest, Bones.
Bones: But I am.

Bones Season 8 Episode 16 Quotes

Cam: Are you suggesting cause of death is stupidity?
Abernathy: Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

Booth: You're not always the smartest, Bones.
Bones: But I am.