Tommy: What is this? Some sort of stupid ploy to get me to take a plea?
Kevin: What? Incarcerate you in a hotel room so you know what it feels like?

Kevin: I hope the sex was worth it.
Justin: The sex? We barely kissed.
Tommy: What? We're about to get our asses kicked for first base?

Nora: Something is wrong.
Sarah: Yeah, with your dial. It's completely broken!

Tommy: Dr Walker.
Justin: I'm not a doctor yet, Tommy.
Tommy: So, how old are you gonna be when they let you out?
Justin: Dude, you make it sound like I'm going to prison.

Kitty: I thought you were going to take it easy.
Robert: Oh that? Relax. That's ...
Kitty: Do you know what happens when you tell somebody to relax? It actually has the opposite effect. It's scientifically proven.

Justin: What do you want? Seriously, what do you want? I mean, you move into our house. You're living off our mom ...
Ryan: I'm sorry, I forgot. That's your job.

Sarah: I wouldn't leave if I didn't think you guys could do it.
Kyle: Me and him? Are you kidding me? Before you, we were living like in a low-rent sty. Drinking beer in the shower.
Ethan: We got a lot of good ideas that way.

Maggie: I'm not a psychiatrist but your doodling does not look like the work of a woman that's just fulfilled her dream.
Nora: Yikes. It does look a bit disturbed.

Kevin: Just say, 'Mom, Tommy didn't come back from Mexico'.
Justin: Why me?
Kevin: Because I always have to break the bad news. I'm like the family grim reaper.

Kevin, this is insane! I've come back here, and Ojai Foods has turned into Ojai Dudes!


Chad: Hello! I keep thinking about you.
Kevin: That's fine. I think about me all the time.

Nora: Life is so much sweeter with a baby. Why did you guys have to go and grow up?
Kitty: Well, that was the only way we could get away from you.

Brothers & Sisters Quotes

No, no. No 'Buts'. You're not allowed to give up. You're not allowed to give up because you believe in your gut that this is right. And besides, we've all inherited this absurd drive to make things that, that yes, they seem complicated and they're messy, but we can turn them into something great.


Do I at least get a cigarette and a chance to say my last words?
