Ryan, this is my third marriage. I think I know what I'm doing.

Rick Castle

Believe me, Beckett has plenty of experience taking a bullet for other people doing stupid things. Hell, she's married to me.

Rick Castle

You can not leave behind what is always at your side.

Rick Castle

It happened on his watch so for Ryan it means it's all on him until he finds this guy.

Kate Beckett

The good news is Sarah Grace will have enough money for college. The bad news is she'll have no idea who I am.

Kevin Ryan

Then who's this, your evil twin?

Kevin Ryan

Kate Beckett: You texted Castle and not me?
Kevin Ryan: Well, when you have a crazy theory you don't call the voice of reason.

Rick Castle: I know I have occasionally theorized that a conspiracy was afoot.
Kate Beckett: Occasionally?

Back stabbing, adultery and betrayal. That is why I hate politics.

Kate Beckett

You're smart. You are intimidating and you look very, very good in a robe.

Rick Castle

Rick Castle: That thing in the shower. That is delightful.
Kate Beckett: That is not a routine. That's two naked people singing when there's no one around to see or hear it.

Kate Beckett: I mean, there's a reason why Capt. Gates doesn't get up on the stage and have fun.
Rick Castle: I just always assumed it was because she was genetically incapable of it.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
