I'm proud to have been his inspiration and I am proud to be his wife.

Kate Beckett

He has proven to be a brilliant partner and he's always had my back.

Kate Beckett

Listen, if after seven years of your crazy theories you haven't already been committed then I think you're pretty safe.

Kate Beckett

If Noah ends up walking you're going to have to have me committed.

Rick Castle

I don’t cross the line. I put myself on it.

Kate Beckett

One day you will look back and you will realize that every experience you ever had, every seeming mistake or blind alley was actually a straight line to who you were meant to be.

Rick Castle

I'm driven to figure out the story because I could never figure out that one.

Rick Castle

Really, it's your mannniversary? And I didn't get you anything.

Rick Castle

Wow Dad, could your head get any bigger?
