If I took you I'd only get to kill you once but this way I get to kill you over and over again.

Jerry Tyson

When I first got here I couldn't figure out what Beckett saw in you but you know what she said? He sees the story. I see the evidence, where it leads but he sees the story.

Capt. Gates

It's not just the murder he likes, it's the game.

Rick Castle

Only people who keep insisting they're not terrible parents are terrible parents.

Rick Castle

You don't have to hunt them anymore. You raise them, like livestock.

Rick Castle

It all came to me a second too late. I’ve relived that moment so many times. Knowing that my mistake set him free and cost people’s lives.

Rick Castle

I never thought this day would come.

Rick Castle

I never forget a face, especially if I cut it.

Dr. Kelly Niemann

She’s as shrewd and high functioning of a sociopath as he ever was.

Kate Beckett

I don’t know if I’m surprised. You are pretty lovable.

Rick Castle

Kate Beckett: Castle, stop chasing the mice in your head.
Rick Castle: What if they're leading me to the truth?

It's a work of fiction. It's a Hitchcock movie with me cast as the witness. I'm Jimmy Stewart in Vertigo.

Rick Castle

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
