Alice definitely tumbled down the rabbit hole to shady land.


Castle: You see, I'm honoring you by inviting you into my territory and Linus is part of that territory.
Beckett: And if you want to be invited into my territory again, you should probably rethink that.

Beckett: There's been a murder.
Castle: Yeah, of Linus' feelings.

It's up to you to make your own history.


You should have seen the way these people looked at me, like I'm some kind of savior.

Beckett: She's practically family. I care about her too.
Castle: You're pretty great, you know that?

I know these people. I care about them. It already hurts.


You're my daughter. I'm interested in your life but you won't return my calls.

Because when I was a little girl imaging my wedding day, being stuck in a small tin can with a thousand tons of rocket fuel strapped to my ass was exactly what I had in mind.


So I insulted her boyfriend. What's the prison sentence on that?

I am not getting married in space.


I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


Castle Season 6 Quotes

Kate, I'm not proposing to you so you'll keep your job or because I'm afraid I'm going to lose you. I'm proposing because I can't imagine my life without you.


Oh my god! Oh my god! You're proposing!


Castle Season 6 Music

  Song Artist
In My Veins Andrew Belle iTunes
Song All I Could Think About Was You Robert Duncan
Song I Just Want You (remixed) Robert Duncan