Trusts kills faster than bullets.


Hunt: You're getting emotional and now's not the time.
Castle: Really cause it's been about 40 years. When would be a good time?

OK, you two creep me out when you do that shared brain thing.


In life there is no such thing as a perfect time for anything.


Martha: A little unsolicited advice.
Castle: Do you give another kind?

Castle: How about we have a winter wedding?
Beckett: Didn't we say we wanted to do it outside?
Castle: Oh, right. Frostbite isn't very festive.

I'm not leaving Jenny. I'm not leaving my baby without a dad.


Ryan: You're going to bust on me now for being sentimental.
Esposito: I figure it's my last chance.

Javier? You're going to name a white, Irish kid Javier.


Can we canvas the area? And by we I mean obviously somebody else.

Ryan: Rather than pick a name for my kid you should pick a date for your wedding.
Castle: Pick a date for my wedding? I was planning on bringing her.
Beckett: Really. When is that? I might have plans.

Castle: A crime scene at a fire. I've never done one of these before.
Ryan: After this you might not want to.

Castle Season 6 Quotes

Kate, I'm not proposing to you so you'll keep your job or because I'm afraid I'm going to lose you. I'm proposing because I can't imagine my life without you.


Oh my god! Oh my god! You're proposing!


Castle Season 6 Music

  Song Artist
In My Veins Andrew Belle iTunes
Song All I Could Think About Was You Robert Duncan
Song I Just Want You (remixed) Robert Duncan