I'm getting married in a fish store.


You and Brett have a funny way of mixin' it up with authority.


Mikami. I appreciate your loyalty to your partner, but remember, I'm your chief, and I don't like being disrespected.

Chief Robinson

Carver: You've got every right to be pissed off. I was pissed off when it was me they were Googling. I should have known better. It won't happen again.
Gibson: This house is different, huh?
Carver: If you stick around, you'll get used to it. Might even learn to appreciate it. But in the meantime, if you ever need to vent about it, about anything, really, you know where to find me.

Well that's a first for me, responding to an emergency at a hospital.


Sylvie: You didn't have to say that. Now we'll both get fired.
Violet: Well, that will just give me more time to visit you in Portand.

I can't even think with that in my face. You're smothering my genius.


Boden: If this isn't equipment failure, it's user error, and as PIC...
Sylvie: I'm on the hook.

Violet, the machine is charging, but it doesn't fire.


Chicago Fire Season 12 Episode 5 Quotes

Boden: If this isn't equipment failure, it's user error, and as PIC...
Sylvie: I'm on the hook.

Violet, the machine is charging, but it doesn't fire.
