I can't believe you thought I was going to name out baby Grunka. Grunka, the name of the spoons I bought at IKEA. I had you going there for a minute though.


Chuck: Feels weird coming back from a mission without Sarah, doesn't it?
Casey: A little bit. Could just be indigestion.
Morgan: We ate a lot of cake.

Grunka? Wow, wow, I lost my virginity to a girl named Grunka. Filthy, filthy lady. Hard to believe she was a grandmother.


Sarah: You okay?
Casey: It's just frosting. Don't ask.

Ellie: I'm having a bit of an issue with Devon and I was hoping maybe you could help.
Chuck: I told you. I can't get him to stop cooking with no shirt on.

Chuck: Don't freak out. Stay calm, but your girlfriend is currently wearing your previously unworn, original issue, Zemeckis authenticated, Back to the Future t-shirt.
Morgan: Oh dear sweet goodness.

Volkoff: Have dinner with me.
Mary: Alexei.
Volkoff: Lunch, breakfast, a bit of cake with a cup of coffee?

I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic myself. Paintings, poetry, art of massage, that sort of stuff.


Chuck: I see what's going on here. You're afraid I'm just gonna sit around the house eating Fritos all day because Sarah's gone.
Morgan: I thought it might be Cheetos, but yeah.

Chuck Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic myself. Paintings, poetry, art of massage, that sort of stuff.


Chuck: I see what's going on here. You're afraid I'm just gonna sit around the house eating Fritos all day because Sarah's gone.
Morgan: I thought it might be Cheetos, but yeah.