Casey: You! What do I have to do to get timely intel out of you, Bartowski?
Chuck: Look, I briefed Sarah last night, alright?
Casey: Aww, bet you did, slugger.
Chuck: I thought we were all supposed to be part of the same team here, huh? Team Chuck?
Casey: We are, but I'm starting to feel like the guy that always gets picked last. I don't like feeling like Team Chuck's little fat kid!

Captain Awesome: There's one thing, being a man... it's always speaking your mind. Whatever the cost, always be direct, open, and honest.
Morgan: When I was twelve I hid under Ellie's bed so I could watch her undress.
Captain Awesome: Excellent

Chuck: I'm not a salesman. I'm actually part of the nerd herd.
Customer: You must be so proud of yourself.
Chuck: I wouldn't go so far as to say proud

Morgan: What happened, Chuck? You used to be cool.
Chuck: I used to be cool? When, when was that? When we were 13? Well, I hate to go changing on you, buddy, but if you hadn't noticed we are now, chronologically speaking, adults. So, unless you want to work retail for the rest of your life and, by the way, drag me down with you in the process, I would suggest that you grow up!

Chuck: I can't believe you bugged my room! That's terrible!
Casey: No, terrible is having to listen to you and that moron Morgan yammer on for four hours about what sandwich you would bring if you were stranded on an island!
Chuck: It wasn't four hours...
Chuck [on tape]: Well I don't know, Morgan, I think roast beef would hold up better than the bologna...

Chuck Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Morgan: What happened, Chuck? You used to be cool.
Chuck: I used to be cool? When, when was that? When we were 13? Well, I hate to go changing on you, buddy, but if you hadn't noticed we are now, chronologically speaking, adults. So, unless you want to work retail for the rest of your life and, by the way, drag me down with you in the process, I would suggest that you grow up!

Chuck: I can't believe you bugged my room! That's terrible!
Casey: No, terrible is having to listen to you and that moron Morgan yammer on for four hours about what sandwich you would bring if you were stranded on an island!
Chuck: It wasn't four hours...
Chuck [on tape]: Well I don't know, Morgan, I think roast beef would hold up better than the bologna...