I've had malaria maybe four or five times. Those meds aren't gonna help, what he needs is African snake herb.


Mrs. Turner: Watch each others back.
Mr. Turner: And I wish you many happy marriages.

Chuck: How's that field training [with Morgan] going?
Casey: Let's put it this way, he makes you look like a natural born operative.

What'd I'd tell you? Sleeping like big mike after a baker's dozen.

Our buddy Otto is into some kinky stuff, even by German standards.

Morgan: We're going to Langley!
Casey: You're not going anywhere. Everything you need to learn you can learn in the store.
Morgan: Start with the neck things, that thing was awesome.

He's a diamond in the rough. Very very rough. But I'm sure you'll make him sparkle.

General Beckman [about Morgan]

Mr. Turner: Dear God, it's us 30 years ago.
Chuck: Sarah, that's us in 30 years!

Chuck: What's the 30 foot rule?
Sarah: No spy should ever be 30 feet from a backup weapon.
Chuck: Don't you know the Bartowski rule? No fire arms in the house.
Sarah: Not if you want to live with a spy.

Letting your personal life interfere with your professional one can be dangerous. But off the record, it's about damn time.


Attention Mr. and Mrs. whatever your last name is.


You know it can take seven minutes to strangle someone. I've gotten it to under 50 seconds.


Chuck Season 3 Quotes

Chuck: If I help you guys then maybe Beckman puts the old team back together.
Casey: And all my dreams come true.

I heard you were a lemon, but this is pathetic Bartowski, even for you.


Chuck Season 3 Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes