Morgan: You know a couple's first fight actually sets the tone for all future arguments. Trust me, I'm going through it right now myself.
Chuck: You and Alex?
Morgan: No me and Casey actually.

Mary: Morgan Grimes. I haven't seen you since you were nine years old.
Morgan:You know what? I haven't had a decent rice krispie treat since.

Nothing I won't do for 30 dollars and a sandwich...or just a sandwich.


I knew Mrs. B wasn't a bad guy. You know why? Bad guys don't make such delicious lemon bars.


Casey: Chuck, how'd you get here?
Chuck: My mom dropped me off.

I know. You activated your tracking device when you got in the car. Good boy.

Mary (to Chuck)

I know a really good morgue that gives discounts on unclaimed merchandise. Maybe we could sprinkle some cold, dead ones in here.


I love our little give and take...classic Ross and Rachel.

Morgan (to Casey)

No, no I do not have time for that. I am knee deep in this new Danielle Steel novel.

Big Mike

Apparently I'm quite the hot commodity in the spy world. Morgan Grimes, not just for the ladies anymore.


Mary: I thought maybe he would trust me.
Chuck: Okay, you know what? Considering that you left me when I was, I don't know, nine years old, and I still don't know if you're good or bad, I think I have every right to have a mother issue or two right now.

I don't know how to say this exactly, but please don't kill each other.

Chuck Season 4 Quotes

This is not the opening of a tv show. This is real life.


I can't believe this was under your house. This is nuts. A secret spy base and it's got lasers and gadgets...and neatly organized files.


Chuck Season 4 Music

  Song Artist
Howlin' For You Black Keys iTunes
We're Here To Save The Day The Constellations iTunes
In Response Peter Wolf Crier iTunes