Agent Morgan: Talk to me, mama.
Garcia: First off, you are on restriction from my inner Lamborghini.
Morgan: Garcia...
Garcia: I mean it. My high-performance engine may purr like a puma on the prowl, but this time Derek you have seriously overheated my engines and I will require some cool down laps upon your return. If you know what I mean by that.
Morgan: Baby girl you're on speaker.
Garcia: I knew that.

Caroline: David, do you remember during our divorce the pledge we made to one another? That no matter what we'd always be there for one another. Future spouses and significant others would just have to understand.
Agent Rossi: We joked that we were the only couple that had both marriage and divorce vows.

Agent Morgan: What's really going on?
Agent Rossi: Look, it was a late night with Ringo and not enough coffee. I mean the guy's a world-class drummer, but don't think I didn't wipe the floor with him in "Rock Band."
JJ: Alright, what do you think?
Agent Prentiss: He could be telling the truth, I only played him to the easy level.
Dr. Reid: I can't tell.
Rossi: And you never will.

Hotch: If the dump site is doubling as his trophy collection he won't be happy it's been disturbed. He'll want to make another one quickly.
Garcia: Uh, guys, I'm afraid that's just happened. Nick Skirvin's body has just been discovered but it wasn't found in Ridge Canyon, it was found in Lake Banter, which is twenty miles away. Visual aid to follow. And, post script, you don't want to know how many hits you get if you Google this forest plus murder. To say it should be called the "Angeles National UnSub Dump Site" is an understatement.

Hotch: Finding out you're going to die isn't enough to make somebody a psychopath.
Reid: It does, however, explain why he stopped strangling his victims. How do you find out about death?
JJ: You ask someone who died.
Hotch: Is he bringing his victims back so he can talk to them?

Prentiss: He wants to know if the experience can change. I can relate to that. Reid felt a warmth and saw a light. When I coded in the ambulance all I felt was cold and darkness. And I would like to think there's another future waiting for me.
Reid: You actually died?
Morgan: Alright but resuscitation is hit or miss. You can't guarantee that you can actually bring somebody back, let alone that anyone will remember what happened in their moment of so-called "death."
Rossi: Reid, what's the best way to make sure that his victims had an experience?
Reid: Keep them dead longer.

Rossi: I can't help you. What you're asking...I can't.
Caroline: I know. I knew you never could. You spout all that profiler talk, but really the best way to get to know someone is to marry them. You are the best man I've ever known, that's why I wanted you to be with me tonight.
Rossi: What have you done?

Agent Hotchner: What concerns me is the brief period between kills.
Agent Rossi: Only a week, he's moving fast.
Hotch: We need to move faster. Garcia get me ID's on all the victims.
Garcia: I'm a gale-force wind.
Hotch: Wheels up in thirty.

Hotch: This could be a sexual predator.
Morgan: An extremely violent one, especially if the UnSub is responsible for the damage done to the bodies, especially those missing limbs.
Prentiss: Now he could be keeping the body parts for some sort of fetish.
Garcia: Ew, okay that's my cue. I'm here if you need me, with my binary machines that don't say gross things.

Morgan: He hunts street kids, so he may be from a similar background and is most likely uneducated but is still charming enough to engage his victims.
Hotch: We'll talk to the press, you should warn any transient kids you might know. As this weather gets worse, so will the UnSub.

Garcia: (on the phone) PG at your service, don't let the name fool you.
Morgan: Baby girl, you're on speaker.
Reid: Garcia can you look for grave robberies in Tornado Alley over the last five years?
Garcia: Okey Dokey, searching. Whoa, that's a shockingly big list. Who knew grave robbing was so on trend?
Rossi: How many of those involve the bodies of teenage boys?
Garcia: None.
Prentiss: What about morgues and funeral homes?
Garcia: Momentito...Again, that is a list that should not be that big. Mostly stolen embalming fluid though.
Morgan: It's often used like PCP though.
Garcia: I'm feeling optimistic about the youth of America, no teenagers involved in this, either.

Garcia: Sir, does this guy stuff actually work on real, breathing girls?
Hotchner: (confused) Why are you asking me?
Garcia: I abhor the whole chicks-dig-jerks thing.
Hotchner: Well, fortunately, Garcia, you are one of the exceptions.
Garcia: Be still my bespeckled heart. So are you, sir.
Hotchner: (smiling) Thanks.