That's what you do John Ross. You justify and then you ignore all the destruction you leave in your wake.


The first rule of cheating is that when the wife finds out, it's done.

John Ross

Why would I send a video of us making love to Pamela?
John Ross; We never made love. We screwed.


No offense but your family has enough enemies to fill a bus.


Dear Ann. Such a pretty packet of poison but look closely. Can you see that grasping scubas behind that smile?


Judith: It's not mother's milk but milk from your mother.
Harris: Dairy makes me nauseous.

I'm not you. I'm not a weak, sniveling drunk like you.


How about you be angry with me? It's always a good place to start.


They heel better when they have a leash around their neck.


If I'd set out to put you in jail Mr. Ewing, you wouldn't be here smiling that impossibly smug smile at me now.


What is it that's so hard wired in you that you keep the most important events in your life secret from your husband?


I'm his wife. I should know who my husband is screwing so I can decide if I want to be with him.


Dallas Season 3 Quotes

I like a challenge, especially one that looks like her.

John Ross

So I'm the care taker now, huh Momma. I'm the only one left.
