Will: I never say no to my two favorite food groups: waffles and chocolate.

OMG I haven't laughed so hard since London. We were so happy then and free. I would do anything to go back to that time.


Brady: Is everything all right with Chloe?
Philip: How should I know? The car wasn't where she said would be. The bitch lied again.

Why should he confess to something he didn't do?


So your best friend is on her deathbed and Kristen Dimera, who really is a psychopath, is still on the loose, and you decide it's a good time to go way out to the cabin and go for a walk through the woods. Don't you know they're going to find out sooner or later that you planted that evidence?


You keep my secret and I'll keep yours.


Jennifer: Next wedding, I'll be the mother of the groom.
Abe: And I'll be walking the beautiful bride down the aisle. The only thing I can't wait for more is to meet our grandchild.
Jennifer: The best thing about this baby is this is the thing that brought the Carvers and the Hortons back together.

Kate: Well, you know, I... I understood that she was distracted because she was grieving, but I really thought she had put her mental problems behind her.
Vivian: Oh, that girl's always been one hop, skip, and jump away from Looneyville. Look at her family. Look at her grandmother.
Kate: That's true. Laura is as crazy as they come.

Unless Salem has changed in the last 20 years, in about five minutes everyone will know that I threw clam chowder at you.


Vivian: You have made a good impression, and I don't make compliments lightly.
Eve: Then I'll return the favor. You look good for someone who's been dead for two years.

Eduardo: It was a terrible mistake. I should have taken you at your word when you told me you didn't steal that drive. I should never have accused you of lying. You were obviously telling the truth. I am beyond sorry.
Kate: Sorry doesn't cut it any more than please, so if you don't mind -
Eduardo: No, no. Please. I am begging you. Kate, forgive me.

Harris: What were you doing behind that wall?
Megan: I was getting acquainted with my famous family home. Which is not your home. So why are you here?