What Mark did to you makes me angrier than I can say, but vandalizing his father's car... what did that accomplish?


Will: I never say no to my two favorite food groups: waffles and chocolate.

Jennifer: Your grandpa Bill died today.
Chad: I'll call a travel agent.
Abigail: I don't want you to come with me.

Aww. Will you stop and rescue a puppy on the way?


Kayla: Who would fix it so one of my patients dies? I don't have any enemies.
Steve: That you know of. Listen, do you mind if I do a little investigating?
Kayla: Do I get the family discount?
Steve: You get the Sweetness discount.

We got a situation. Dimera's escaped.


Chad: Do you have any idea how paranoid that sounds?
Abigail: You don't really get to talk to me about being paranoid right now.

Ben: You're not gonna shoot us.
Evan: Why the hell not?
Ben: Because that's not how this story ends. Our story. Me and Ciara have been through hell and back. Explosions, kidnappings... nothing tore us apart and nothing ever will.

OMG I haven't laughed so hard since London. We were so happy then and free. I would do anything to go back to that time.


Brady: Is everything all right with Chloe?
Philip: How should I know? The car wasn't where she said would be. The bitch lied again.

Why should he confess to something he didn't do?


You know, I liked the old Xander better who was all muscle and no morals.
