Nicole: There's obviously been a mistake. My husband and I got a call from Dr. Sorensen's office that test results were ready, and I came right over. So you, what, lost them in 15 minutes?
Nurse: I'm sorry.
Nicole: Sorry isn't good enough. What the hell happened to my test results?

John: It's so damn good to see you, buddy.
Steve: Real good to see you. So I hear you're going home today.
Abe: That's what they tell me.
John: I'm guessing you don't know who the hell we are, huh?

Brady: What's with the flowers? Don't tell me you have a secret admirer.
Chloe: Maybe I do.

Gabi: Rolf said something about going on a submarine.
Kate: Was it yellow? Was Ringo Starr waiting to board?

Xander: You don't know how many stupid choices I wish I could have undone.
Gwen: But we can't, can we?
Xander: But someone's blackmailing you. Let me help you.

Stefan: You're right. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about the time you had my heart ripped from my chest and you gave it to Julie Williams.
Gabi: You're lying.
Stefan: So if you're wondering why I'm feeling flustered, it's because I felt this wave of nausea wash over me as I realized what a conniving snake you are. In fact, every time I'm near you I feel physically ill.
Gabi: No, every time you're near me you start to remember. Admit it. Why won't you admit it? You know what? Soon you won't even have a choice because whatever Rolf did to you to make you hate me, the truth is stronger. Our love is stronger.

Rafe: I have to get back to the station. You sure you don't want to come?
EJ: Maybe tomorrow.
Rafe: Promise me you're not gonna get behind the wheel after drinking that.
EJ: My driver is waiting for me down the road.
Rafe: Okay. Be careful. There's a blind turn.
EJ: Right. I wouldn't want to end up like my mother.

Paulina: Abraham, I know your mind is all jumbled up right now, but please believe me, okay? I'm your wife, and I love you very much.
Abe: I... I don't even know you.
[Paulina takes out her driver's license]: Well, see, it says it right there. Paulina Price. That's me.
Abe: That's...that other woman?
Paulina: That was Nurse Whitley King. She was your nurse here at the hospital. She pretended to be me and she kidnapped you, plucked you right out of your hospital bed, and worst of all she tricked us into all thinking you were dead.
Abe: Why would she do that?
Paulina: I don't know. But clearly that woman is completely off her rocker.

Kate: This is going to sound completely insane, but I thought the voice I heard was Kristen Dimera's.
Ted: You're right about one thing. This is completely insane. Kristen Dimera is dead!
Kate: I know. But she is a Dimera. She's come back from the dead before. Dimeras always do.

You're just a stupid idiot and you blew it with the most magnificent woman on the planet, didn't you?


Alex: I have a date tonight and I need to know which shirt to wear. When I lived in the mansion, I asked Maggie or Sonny but that's not an option now.
Chad: You asked Maggie what shirt to put on and you wonder why she questioned your leadership skills?

We're definitely not getting another one unless somehow I win the lottery or one of your rich relatives finally kicks the bucket and we get to finally take their fortune.
