Your concern for me is overwhelming. Or...and this is just off the top of my head...maybe you're playing me too.


Nicole: There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that Deimos has disappeared and people are starting to think he's dead.
Dario: Wait a minute, Nicole. If that's the good news then what -
Nicole: The bad news is that if they find proof Deimos is dead, they're gonna arrest me for murder.

Kate: 'Right.' No thank you?
Aiden: You know, for what it's worth, I'm not very happy about doing this.It just so happens I need the money because my son...
Kate: Too much information. You got what you want, I got what I want. We're done.
Aiden: Not quite yet. This doesn;t get out, you realize that? This is a one-time thing. No followups.

You're back?


I don't know where this will lead me. I don't know where any of this is going with Aiden. But I did love him. I married him. Then I hated him. I have to see where this goes. I have to see it through. I have to. So I can move on with my life, to see if we can get back what we lost because of Stefano or to find out that we never can.


Maybe you should have some breakfast to go with that gallon of champagne.


I hope Deimos Kiriakis is okay, not because I like the guy, but because if he is dead this thing is gonna get very ugly very fast. It's bizarre. I have a feeling it's gonna end badly for someone. It could end badly for you, Kate. Have a nice day.


It's just really hard living somewhere where you're not really wanted.


Victor: The police knocking on your door?
Justin: Not yet. But they're bound to find out you're working with Nicole to bring down Deimos. They're asking all the right questions.
Victor: That would be novel.

I want to see my wife. I just want to see my wife.


I think this is a mistake, to flout tradition, especially for someone with your luck.


Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.